
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wow I am bad at this

So it has been almost a year ( A YEAR!!) since I last posted here.  That is really really bad.  I want to get better at this!  I have been reading.  In fact over the last year I read 96 books.  And I have uploaded videos to my BookTube page ( but I have not written any blogs.

I promise to start upload more (I mean I can't really upload less can I?).  Look for a post coming soon.  I don't know what it will be about but I will get some content up soon.

Until Next Time.... Happy Reading!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Percy Jackson and the Olympians series review

Percy Jackson and the Olympians series 
by Rick Riordan

I love this series and I figured that instead of writing a post about each book since I read them so long ago that I would just do a review of the series as a whole.

This is 5 book series that is made of the following books:
The Lightning Thief
The Sea of Monsters
The Titan's Curse
The Battle of the Labyrinth
The Last Olympian

The basic plot of this series is a about a half-god boy name Percy Jackson who sets out on different quests with his friends to save the Greek Gods.  Each book further the story, and really need to be read in order as the plot overlaps all the books and expands with each new installment.  Rick Riordan is the mast of the cliff hanger, likely for new readers this series is completed so there is no waiting to see how it ends.  However he does have a continuing series with the same characters and new ones, “The Heroes of Olympus,” that is still being written with 4 books already available and the next one set to come out this year.

Overall I loved this series.  It was fun read and I would read again and again for the pure enjoyment of Rick’s story telling.  These are super quick reads that made me laugh out loud on many occasions.  Definitely pick these ups.

I give these books 5 STARS.  I would recommend these to anyone that likes fantasy, action, and humorous books.  Thank you Rick Riordan for a super fun series.

Until next time…Happy Reading!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Elite by Kiera Cass

The Elite 
by Kiera Cass
Book 2 of the Selection Series

Goodreads Summary: Thirty-five girls came to the palace to compete in the Selection. All but six have been sent home. And only one will get to marry Prince Maxon and be crowned princess of Illea.

America still isn’t sure where her heart lies. When she’s with Maxon, she’s swept up in their new and breathless romance, and can’t dream of being with anyone else. But whenever she sees Aspen standing guard around the palace, and is overcome with memories of the life they planned to share. With the group narrowed down to the Elite, the other girls are even more determined to win Maxon over—and time is running out for America to decide. 

Just when America is sure she’s made her choice, a devastating loss makes her question everything again. And while she’s struggling to imagine her future, the violent rebels that are determined to overthrow the monarchy are growing stronger and their plans could destroy her chance at any kind of happy ending. 

This is the second book in the Selection series.  If you have not read my review of The Selection click here to check that out.  I will try to avoid spoilers here but unless you have read The Selection first I wouldn't read this.  And you should definitely read The Selection.  If you  haven't GO DO THAT RIGHT NOW, and then come back!!

So on to The Elite.  This book picks up right where The Selection leaves off.  We are still with America, but now there are only 5 other girls left (the Elite), we have Marlee: America's best friend of the girls; Kriss: the sweet one that we get to to meet alot more in this book; Celeste: the one we all love to hate (every book needs a character we all love to hate, right?); Elisa: she has ties to New Asia; and lastly Natalie: the spacey one.

Throughout the book America is wavering between Aspen and Maxon.  We learn more about how Illea came into being (which I am really interested in).  America is face with more , tasks, and choices.  She doesn't always make the best decisions either.  We get to see more of the rebels.  America admits that she has feeling for Maxon, but is unable to let her feelings for Aspen go either.  What to know more go pick up the book. 

I really liked this book, but at the same time wanted to shake America.  I am really hoping in the next book that America can grow up as a character, because in this book she acts childish at times, acts without thinking and makes some terrible decisions with considering other people in the process.   

I really liked that we get to dive into some of the other contestants in this book. In the 1st book America was really the only on that Maxon really seems to have any interest in, but in this book america actually has some competition that is giving her a run for her money.  Which I really enjoyed.  I like that Maxon has started to take more control and be less passive.   

This book is definitely worth reading. 

I would give this book 4 stars.

Check out the video review of The Elite  

I like the first book better, but still really enjoyed this book.  I can't wait until May when I can get my hands on The One.

For more information about Kiera check out her website.

Follow me on Twitter, YouTube, or be my friend on GoodReads 

Until next time.....Happy Reading

Friday, January 31, 2014

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

by Andrea Cremer

Goodreads Summary: Calla is the alpha female of a shape-shifting wolf pack. She is destined to marry Ren Laroche, the pack's alpha male. Together, they would rule their pack together, guarding sacred sites for the Keepers. But then, Calla saves a beautiful human boy, who captures her heart. Calla begins to question everything - her fate, her existence, and her world and the orders the Keepers have asked her to follow. She will have to make a choice. But will she follow her heart if it means losing everything, including her own life?

This story is about a girl named Calla who is an alpha wolf who goes against everything she use to believe for a human boy (Shay) who she hardly knows and changes her whole world.  Calla has always believer she would mate with the alpha of another pack (Ren) and follows the Keepers orders.  Shay makes her question everything she has ever known.  But Shay isn’t everything he appears to be.  Now she is torn between two boys.  Shay needs her help to find out the truth about his past.

Calla as an alpha is a bit of a joke; she is unsure of herself and has no power.  I know she is only a teenager, but as someone that has know from birth she would be an alpha and have her own pack she doesn’t seem prepared.  She is a bit of an unlikable character.

This world could be great, but it is not explained well.  You are just to take it at face value without knowing who the Keepers or Seekers are, where they come from.  Why if they know they would be combining the young wolves into a new pack would they not have encouraged them to interact and bond as they grew-up.  The only reason I can think of is to cause tension that is unneeded for the story, drama for dramas sake.

I like Ren as a character; he is strong and uses his head instead of jumping in without thinking.  I find it unnecessary to make him a womanizer other than to shove it in the readers face, “See, he isn’t the right one for Calla.  You should like Shay better.” Ren seems to actually care for Calla, unlike Shay whose actions (insults, pushing beyond Calla’s breaking point, and inability to respect her enough to not touch her when asked) go against the author pushing that he is sensitive and the right choice for Calla.  Shay insists that they do things that Calla tells him could get her killed.  If you care for someone else you don’t push them to do things that could results in their deaths.  I feel Shay is a bit of a toolbag.

Please tell me why Calla is so concerned with breaking all these “rules” that the Keepers have ser for her, yet NOTHING ACTUAL HAPPENS WHEN SHE DOES!!!!!  Not that I want to see something bad happen to her, but over and over she tells Shay that they will kill her for breaking the rules, yet nothing happens not even a slap on the wrist.

Overall I found this book painful to finish and if not for my obsession with to finish a book once I have started, I probably would have stopped listening to it (I had an audiobook) after Chapter 5 and it was a struggle for me to get that far.  I am inclined not to keep reading the series, but for my pet peeve I have of not finishing a series.  I will probable read the rst but the will be making their way down my TBR list.  Unless of course I can find a good summary of the other books online somewhere.

So don’t expect a review of the other books.

I give this book 2 STARS!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Selection by Kiera Cass

Book 1 of the Selection series

GoodReads Summary:
For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.

But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn't want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.

Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she's made for herself and realizes that the life she's always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.

The basic plot of this book goes something like this: Our main character America Singer lives in the country of Illea, which is ruled by a King and Queen. Illea is made up of what use to be the United States, Canada, and I think Mexico. After the fall of the USA to China, the North America country bound together to get their country back. Illea was created and with it the people where divided into a caste system with the royal family as Ones all the way down to homeless people as Eights. America Singer is a Five, so she is on the lower end of the system but not as low as she could be. Depending on what caste you are, dictated what kind of job you can have. As a Five America and her family are musicians and artists.

America is secretly in love with a boy named Aspen who is a Six. Women being with a man from a longer caste is just not done so they have to keep their relationship a secret. Meanwhile at the palace Prince Maxon has come of age to be able to get married. He does not get to just meet someone and fall in love, he has to go through something called the Selection. This is where 35 girls from the different providences are picked and brought to the castle for a Bachelor like competition to become a princess and Maxon's wife.

America' mother pressures her to sign up for the Selection, unaware the she is in love with someone else. Her mother wants her to sign up because they could be raised up to a higher caste if she wins plus they will receive a payment for each week she is in the competition. Obliviously America doesn't want to join, but when she meets with Aspen he to wants her to try as well. He wants to give her the best life and knows that he can't give her that.  She finally agrees thinking that there is a very small chance she will get picked.

The night before they announce who is chosen for the Selection Aspen breaks up with America. She is brokenhearted as you would expect. The next day her name is called as one of the 35 girls. She sees this as her escape from Aspen and the pain she feels from losing him. When America meets Maxon she tells him that her hear belongs to someone else bu that she doesn't want to go home because they aren't together anymore. She offers Maxon a deal that is he lets her stay for awhile she will help him pick the right girl for her.

To see what happens next you are going to have to pick the book up for yourself.

I truly loved this book. Kiera's writing and storytelling pulled me in from page 1 and didn't let me go until the end. I did not want to put this book down. The day after I finished I rushed our to buy the next one in the series (The Elite). The characters were relatable and I felt like I was really getting to know them. The story moved at a good pace. The relationship (and I am not saying what kind of relationship it is) between Maxon and America felt genuine and not rushed. The details about the other characters were prefect to give you a good sense about them without being overly wordy.

I give this book a BIG OLD 5 STARS!! I would recommend it to anyone. Thank you Kiera for a great series and I can't wait to see what is in story for America next.

You can check out my YouTube review of this book here.

Until next time...Happy Reading!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Prince of Wolves by Quinn Loftis review

Book 1 of the Grey Wolves series

Summary from Goodreads:
Jacque Pierce was just an ordinary 17-year-old girl getting ready to start her senior year in high school in Coldspring, Texas. When a mysterious foreign exchange student from Romania moves in across the street, Jacque and her two best friends, Sally and Jen, don't realize the last two weeks of their summer are going to get a lot more interesting.

From the moment Jacque sets eyes on Fane she feels an instant connection, a pull like a moth to a flame. Little does she know that the flame she is drawn to is actually a Canis lupis, werewolf, and she just happens to be his mate; the other half of his soul.

The problem is Fane is not the only wolf in Coldspring, Texas.

Just as Fane and Jacque are getting to know each other, another wolf steps out to try and claim Jacque as his mate. Fane will now have to fight for the right to complete the mating bond, something that is his right by birth but is being denied him by a crazed Alpha. Will the love Fane has for Jacque be enough to give him the strength to defeat his enemy, will Jacque accept that she is Fane's mate and complete the bond between them?

I came across this book while search for a new book to read on my Nook Color in January of 2013.  This is a self published book by Quinn Loftis.  I actually picked it up for free, and I could not put it down.  I loved it!  I found it funny and sweet and very enjoyable.  The story is a romance but has a bit of action in it too. 

I am going to try to avoid spoilers but still give you an overview of the story.  This is the first book in a 8 book series (7 books that are all available and 1 prequel that has not yet come out).  This book revolves around Jacque and Fane.  Jacque is your typically teenager with two great friends Sally the level headed one and Jen the loud mouth who says whatever in her head.  She meets Fane when he comes to the States to study abroad.  They have a instant connection that Jacque doesn't understand and before Fane can fully explain to her someone else tries to take her away from him.  Drama ensues! 

I love the way Quinn explores the wolves.  This was one of the first books that I read about werewolves and it really changed how I always thought of werewolves.  They are no longer scary but sexy!!  
It did have it faults as a self published book the version I downloaded was in need of a bit more editing, however Quinn has subsequently put out a new version that has been revised and edit.  Even with the need for editing I still found the story to be very engaging.  When I started reading I did not want to put it down.  When I find a book that I really like I will drag it every where with me and stay up to ridiculous late to finish.  This was one of those books.  I did not want to put it down.  It made me laugh out loud on several occasions.  I just loved the character of Jen and I think you will too.

I plan on getting my hands on the actual books to add to my shelves as soon as I can.  I really want to see how different the book version is from the ebook I previously purchased.  I hope that too different because I loved the story.

Overall I would give this book 4 stars (the only reason it is not 5 is because of the need for a bit more editing)  I would recommend this book to anyone that is a fan of werewolf books. 

You can pick it up as a ebook or paperback through Barnes and Noble and Amazon.  I think the cover is beautiful and I have added it to my list of books I want to purchase the actual book.

If you want more information about the book or other Quinn Loftis books check out the Goodreads page for Prince of Wolves or Quinn's page both linked below:

Until next time...Happy Reading!!


Welcome to my book blog.  I will be posting book reviews and recommendations here.  Hope you Enjoy!!

Happy Reading!